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ASB and Leadership Adviser:  Leanne Donley | [email protected]
Remind Code:  @CVINFO

ASB provides activities, community service and governmental leadership for all students at CVHS. ASB officers develop organization, communication and planning skills. College scholarships are available to some leaders at some colleges. Activities include fundraising, publicity, student recognition, community service, Homecoming, Stinky Sneaker and motivational and pep assemblies. Those in ASB have interests in being a leader, planning and implementing activities, and improving life at CVHS

To be in ASB, you must run for a class or ASB office, or apply for a Director or Commissioner position. There are three levels of classes one may take. ASB officers and Directors are enrolled in ASB Lab. Class officers and Class Commissioners, as well as Link Commissioners are enrolled in Class/Link Lab. Students who wish to plan the All School Leadership Camp may enroll in Advanced Leadership. Directors and commissioners may choose what semester to enroll in and may attend camp. Fees for leadership camps must be paid in full prior to attendance of camps. Transportation to Camp and a portion of Camp cost is the student’s responsibility. There are evening meetings as needed to execute activities. An ASB card and signed pride-honor code are required.

ASB Officers:
President - Elliot Small
Vice President - Avery Roberson
Secretary - Lily Nielsen
Treasurer - Rory Brunt
Activities Coordinator - Mia Vigil

Commissioners and Directors:
Director of Athletics
Community Service Director
Multi-cultural Director
Director of Fundraising
Director of Academic Affairs
Director of Student Recognition
Director of New Student Services
Director of Audio/Visual Technology
Director of Staff Recognition & Community 
Director of Activities
Publicity Director
Safety and Health Director
Director of Spirit Week
Director of School Spirit
Director of Elections

*Others are added or deleted each year as deemed necessary.